I have always enjoyed reading fashion, cooking, entertaining and decorating magazines. I’d look at the pictures and drool and then usually look at the prices listed and think, “ok, think I’ll pass on that”. But then I’d study those pictures of outfits, decor and the finished product of a recipe and try to “copy” it as best I could with the money and resources I had…without it looking like a kindergarten art project, (not that there’s anything wrong with that…if you’re in kindergarten!) I’ve done that pretty much all my life and I’ve been happy with the results. When my (now adult) son was younger we were on a really tight budget but you’d never know it from the birthday parties I threw for him, the way we dressed or the foods we ate. And I loved sharing all my money-saving tips with friends and family.
I will say, there were a couple of years when there was some extra money and I stepped up my shopping to the higher end stores and you know what? I bought some beautiful items that I still enjoy but for the most part, I get more of a “thrill” when I wear my thrift store, garage sale or deeply discounted clothes…and there’s no “buyer’s remorse” when I have on a $5.00 skirt.
When I was younger and throwing my son’s fabulous but cheap birthday parties, or having large groups of friends over for dinners that didn’t cost a fortune but tasted good or having the most decorated house at the various holidays, friends suggested I start a “party planning” business. I didn’t have the first clue as to how to do that, didn’t have enough self-confidence to try, and didn’t think my ideas were so unique that other women didn’t already know how to do what I was doing.
Fast forward to now…For the past couple of years my husband has watched me call friends every week with news on what’s on sale at the grocery stores, or email new recipes I tried that didn’t cost a lot and taken me out to dinners where I was complimented on what I was wearing (usually something I picked up for $5.00 or less). On Fridays I watch The Today Show’s fourth hour where they have a segment called “Plaza Ambush Makeovers” where they pick two women from out on the plaza to perform a makeover on. And every single Friday I cry when the women turn around and see themselves for the first time looking more beautiful than they imagined…and I’m just so happy for them I’m crying. There’s been occasions where my husband happened to be home on a Friday and he’s seen me cry and he’s looking at me like I’m crazy and asking why? Why? Because I know that woman’s self-confidence has soared and she’s learned how to do something new that makes her look and feel good. And that’s what I hope this website does for someone…whether it be with a fashion tip, a recipe, a new decorating idea or simply how to save a dollar or two.
I feel like I can relate to a lot of different women because I’ve been married, divorced, a single mom, widowed and married again. I have a child, step-children, grandchildren and I’ve had two ectopic pregnancies (where the baby grows outside the uterus and can’t live). I’ve worked in the corporate world, sold make-up and clothing in retail stores, worked in the school system, and worked for a doctor. I was a single, working mom and I’ve been a stay at home mom. I’ve changed in clothing sizes from a size 0 to 14 (even though my height’s been the same since third grade) and my hair’s been almost every color at some point (including an eggplant purple). I’ve lived in an apartment, condo, duplex, trailer and house and both rented and owned. I’ve had dogs, cats, hamsters, guinea pigs and a snake. I’ve been flush with money and have had to have garage sales to pay bills. ……I think I can empathize in almost every situation another woman might be experiencing.
I don’t think I would have ever even attempted to create a website without my husband’s encouragement (actually he had to kind of push me in the beginning) but once I started throwing the idea out to friends, they too encouraged me and were excited. It seems like everyone’s on a budget these days and trying to save money and I believe it’s possible to do so and still look and feel good, still be able to entertain and have fun, and create a warm and welcoming environment for yourself, your family and your friends…..
Hopefully this website will help and encourage you in some area of your life and you’ll learn a trick or two and save some money!

Tammy at 719woman.com