I think time given to another is one of the best gifts you can give, regardless if you’re on a budget. There are so many people who don’t have time to do certain things or physically can’t. These ideas are perfect for people who work, stay at home parents, grandparents, friends, the person who has everything, children, etc. Some of these ideas require a “talent”, but most just require your time. And while these gifts are perfect for Christmas, they would be appropriate (and appreciated) any time of the year. Below we have ideas that are absolutely free and then expand on the idea to include inexpensive ways to add to the gift.
Babysitting…Offer an evening of afternoon (or even overnight) of babysitting. If you want, you could include a gift card to the movies or a restaurant that the recipient could use while you babysit. Sometimes a parent just needs some “me time”….a gift card to the mall or a spa treatment are great ideas too, and with your offer of free babysitting, they don’t even have to look for a sitter.
photo credit: Pink Sherbet Photography via photopin cc
Yard Work…I have friends who have gone back to work over the past year and one thing I heard over and over was, “I wish I had time to work in the yard”. You could offer an afternoon of weeding come summer, spring clean up, tree-trimming, a month of lawn mowing, etc. This would be great for any one with a busy schedule or an elderly friend, neighbor or relative with limited mobility. If you want to spend some money, you could offer to plant some flowers, vegetables, or even herbs.
photo credit: K. Kendall via photopin cc
Snow Shoveling…This is perfect for a neighbor or someone who lives near by. And especially good for someone who physically has challenges. Older children or teens could do this (or yard work) for a grandparent too.
photo credit: david_shankbone via photopin cc
Running Errands…Whether you have young children, a hectic work schedule or find it hard to get out….an offer from someone to run errands might be really appreciated. If you know someone who physically can walk and get around but doesn’t drive anymore or needs help pushing a cart, offer to drive them around while they run their errands….they will appreciate not only the service, but the time spent with you.
photo credit: bluishorange via photopin cc
Organizing…There are businesses that charge huge amounts for this. If you have a knack for organizing, this would be a great idea. Offer to organize a closet, the kitchen, an office….whatever you’ve heard that person lament about not having time to do. One year I offered to organize all my grandma’s pictures. I bought photo albums, spent a couple of afternoons with her going through the boxes of pictures she had, and got them all organized in the albums. Not only did she enjoy the final gift, but we got to spend some time together.
photo credit: Carly & Art via photopin cc
Pet Sitting…Boarding pets is expensive. If you have a friend who regularly travels, (and your house is equipped for it), offer to keep their pet during their next trip or two. Or offer to go over to their house and feed, play and let the pet out. Older children or teens could offer pet walking as a gift.
photo credit: Helga Weber via photopin cc
Housework…Ok, some people actually like to clean the house and find it therapeutic. If you’re that type, an afternoon of housework would be a great gift. It could be an offer of window cleaning, general cleaning, or even doing the laundry for them.
photo credit: Brett Jordan via photopin cc
Car Detailing…If someone offered to wash and detail my car, I would LOVE it! And while you’re at it, check the tires and fluids. If you’ve got some extra money to spend, fill up their tank too.
Prepare A Meal…Offer to go to someone’s house and prepare a meal for them. Or (depending on your budget), cook up a couple of meals at your house and drop them off. If you know someone who entertains on a regular schedule, offer up your cooking skills for that. If you know someone who is house-bound, offer to come over and not only fix a meal, but eat with them. A lot of times, the elderly or house-bound just want to spend time with a friend or loved one.
If you have a talent or skill in home repairs, hair styling, scrap-booking, painting….you can offer your time doing that. If you’re on a budget, you could word the “gift” in a way that if they buy the paint or the scrapbook materials they’d like used, and then you’ll put in the time doing it. If money’s not an object you could offer to pay for the materials needed.
Some inexpensive gift ideas for children you know….offer an afternoon at the movies, the zoo, a local attraction or even a simple lunch at their favorite fast-food joint. One year, when I was a young teen, my aunt (for my birthday), took me to the movies and then we had lunch at a “grown-up” restaurant. Over 30 years later, I still remember that, but I can’t remember any of the actual presents I opened.
Think of what you’re good at doing, have the time to do, and what the needs are of someone you want to do something for. People with children would probably like some time to themselves. For a busy mom, a basket of bath products (which you can pick up at dollar stores) with you offering to watch the kids is something you could do. For someone who can’t get out and spends a lot of time alone, pick up a puzzle and spend time with them putting it together.
To present any of these gift ideas, you can create a “gift certificate” for them, explaining what all your gift entails.
You know, a lot of us don’t really need more things….time spent together or giving someone the gift of time….that’s something we could all use!
These are really super cool ideas! Two thumbs up for this!