According to National Geographic, the typical American family of 4, throws away an average of $1,484 worth of food every year. Oh my gosh! I have a few things I could use that money for during the year instead of just tossing it, don’t you? As much as I try to plan our meals, I found that I was still tossing produce out that went bad before we could use it up.
I’ve personally tried a lot of these storage tips and they really do make a difference. For years I stored my potatoes and onions in a big ceramic bowl, which looked pretty but they did spoil faster. One thing that has made a huge difference with our grocery bill and tossing spoiled food away is shopping twice a week for produce and buying less during each trip. That might not be convenient for some but since we have 3 grocery stores within 10 minutes of our house, it’s really no big deal and works for our lifestyle.
Here’s 27 tips to help keep your fresh food fresh for longer, which are easy and really do work. You’ll end up tossing out less food, which will obviously save you money.