I had someone send me this article (from BuzzFeed Food) and it’s one of the best ones I’ve read with suggestions I had, for the most part, never heard of, on how to make food last longer. I did find out this past year not to store onions and potatoes together because it will make them spoil faster. (I thought they looked good together in a new bowl I bought and thought for months that the produce I was buying was bad, but it was the way I was storing them.)
One of the reasons I love these tips is because just yesterday, I spent the entire day cleaning out the freezers, fridge, and pantry and was appalled and embarrassed at just how much food I ended up tossing because it was way past the expiration date….way past. I have vowed this year to not buy so much in bulk when it’s on sale, unless I’m going to truly use it in a timely manner. Hopefully with these tips below, I will throw out less and save money.