We have lots of deer. Lots of hungry deer that like to munch on plants and flowers. For years we also had lots of foxes but unfortunately they died off from mange. Once our beautiful fox were gone, rabbits moved in, and believe me, for little animals, they can destroy a garden pretty quickly. Instead of getting pissed at our wildlife, for doing what they naturally do, I have over the years, figured out which plants and herbs they typically stay away from which is what I plant.
Marigolds are my “go-to” flowers for color in our flower beds and the deer and rabbits leave them alone because they don’t like the smell. I also plant lots of lavender and herbs, columbine, dianthus, and delphinium…all of which are usually deer “resistant.” BUT when the critters are hungry, they will eat anything, even if it’s labeled “deer/rabbit resistant.” (Guess they don’t read the labels?) Last year I had a challenge with all the fawns tasting and nibbling on everything but they were so cute, I kind of didn’t even care. But then when I added up the cost of replacing plants, I did care.

My New Favorite Natural Deer Repellent. – 719woman.com
I have made and used lots of natural deer repellent over the years with a lot of them working and some not so much. I have also bought quite a few sprays and while they worked, they were quite expensive. My new favorite “recipe” for an all-natural spray that works, is inexpensive to make, not to mention easy and quick, comes from one of my favorite sites, bobvila.com. I made some of this up last week after planting and after spraying everything, watched the deer pass by, curious as to what might be for breakfast that day, and then quickly walk away. The rabbits have taken sniffs and hopped off without a nibble too.
Now as long as we don’t get a freak blizzard in June, my garden should be just fine this year.
Here’s the recipe…