I was at a local restaurant the other day when I happened to glance over and saw a mom nursing her baby at the table. Now I wouldn’t have known what she was doing except for the fact that I had seen a baby earlier and now I didn’t see the baby and the mom’s entire upper body was covered with a blanket. I didn’t give it a second thought until I overheard someone at the table behind me talking about how rude the woman was being and that she should go someplace “appropriate” to “do that”……..
I forgot about the incident until I read the following article about Selma Blair breastfeeding in public and realized how strongly some people feel about public breastfeeding…
What do you think?
I believe breastfeeding is the most natural thing on the earth. It is healthy for the child and mother, all of god’s creatures breastfeed their babies and know one says anything bad about that, so why bother the human mothers who choice to breastfeed. As long as they have a blanket to drape over her shoulder to cover herself, leave her alone. I breastfed all 3 of my children and I encourage everyone to breastfed.