I have been buying store brand products over name brand for years. Store brands save me tons of money and for the most part, you can’t tell the difference.
However, I don’t buy store brand tuna or soup. I don’t even know if it’s because I can really tell a difference or if it’s from something I grew up thinking “not to do”.
Of course if the name brand is on sale for less than the store brand, I’ll buy that! I like when a “professional” conducts these studies and I thought this particular one was pretty accurate with what my own experience has been with store vs name brands.
- Is there a particular store brand item you think is “just as good” as the name brand?
- Or how about a store brand that just, in your opinion, doesn’t measure up?
Check out all the items they compared.
I agree with you, I don’t buy generic tuna or soup. I do buy generic olives though. There are also many times that I have no choice but to only buy the name brand due to dietary needs that the generic doesn’t produce.